Taking Back Control of Our Local Food Supply
Help us build a resilient, local food supply that will stand the test-of-time.
Help us build a resilient, local food supply that will stand the test-of-time.
You have decided its time to fill your freezer with locally grown beef. But, you don't know what to expect. I hear you and can help clear up some confusion!
Greenwashing is the process of conveying a false impression or providing misleading information...
As the silently falling snow gently envelops our home and farm while we sleep, snuggled under our warm blankets winter is settling in. The rush of spring and summer season slowly slips away. Genesis 8:22 reminds us that "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. A time of slowing down, a time of dormancy, a time of hibernation and rejuvenation surround us. Do we take these cues from creation and let them sink into our lives?
The fresh, dew drenched mornings of autumn have gently slipped away to reveal the reality of the coming winter. Will it be mild, short and easy? Or, will it tighten its icy grip and refuse to loosen it for many months?