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Author: Sue King

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Nourishing Traditions: Principle #2--High Quality Animal Proteins

Are all proteins created equal?  Animal protein is our only source of complete protein.  Plant based diets areconsidered incomplete proteins.    Proteins are the building blocks of the human body.  Our bodies assemble and utilize proteins to form organs, nerves, muscles and flesh.  Enzymes are specialized proteins that are the managers and catalysts forour biochemical processes. There are eight amino acids that are considered essential for our bodies because our bodies can’t make them.  When these amino acids are present in our diet our bodies are able to build all the others.We need protein for normal growth, the formation of hormones and blood clotting.  It also helps regulate the acid-alkaline balance in tissue and blood. It is imperative that we eat our meat with the fat in order to assimilate the protein.   Eating meat without the fat results in rapid depletion of vitamin A.Local Farmer versus Grocery StoreWhen I walk past the grocery store meat isle it makes me so sad and very thankful at the same time.I am saddened that the animal proteins that can be accessed are very low quality.  We do not know if they were treated humanely throughout their entire life or what they were fed. Healthy meats are directly related to how the animal was raised. As the old saying goes, “garbage in—garbage out”. I certainly would not want to eat meat from an animal that had been crowded into an unsanitary CAFO. I stayed for extended periods of time at my mother’s house when I was helping my sister take care of her at the end of her life. I had taken pork chops from her freezer to cook one day for supper. When I was cooking them I noticed a very unpleasant odor. If you have ever drove past a confinement hog operation you will know the smell. The smell of hog barn was so strong that I moved the chops outside to the barbeque. When I tried to eat them they turned my stomach. It tasted just like the smell of a hog barn. My response was, “no wonder people are suffering with so many sicknesses.”  I see so many people that are struggling with health crisis after health crisis that could be turned around by eating clean food. I think about the many people in my community that don’t have access to high quality, locally grown animal proteins. I am so thankful that we have been blessed with our own farm where we can raise nutrient-dense, healthy healing proteins.  That I was able to give my children a healthy start in life by feeding them clean food lovingly raised by us because we truly care about the well-being of the animals we are stewarding. If we had not been able to raise our own meat I would definitely seek out local farmers who raised the kind of meat we wanted to eat; grass-fed red meats, pasture-raised, free-range poultry, pasture/forest-raised pork, milk products, eggs from pastured hens, and seafood.  We wholeheartedly believe that when we take back the control of our food systems by turning our backs on industrial food systems and seek out local farmers who are practicing good stewardship we will be able to live healthy productive lives. We invite you to check out the rest of our website to learn more about what we do and why we do it. We would be honoured to serve you as you navigate your health journey. You can find us at the Grande Prairie Farmers Market every Friday and Saturday, visit us at the farm or check out our online store.Easter is only a few weeks away. It is such a special time of celebration. Remember to preorder your grass-fed lamb for your celebration dinner.Do you want to learn more about the principles of Nourishing Traditions? Its easy. Join us by subscribing below. When you sign up here you will receive our The Busy Cooks Guide to Preparing Amazing Lamb.I WANT TO LEARN MOREWhat’s holding you back from seeking out a local farmer to partner with on your health journey? 

Where Have We Been and Our New Online Store!

MISSING IN ACTION?Well, not really. It’s not because we are snowed under this winter. At least not yet. Life just has a way of being extremely busy.In December we introduced quite a few new products to our farm products selection.We re-introduced our handcrafted milk-based soaps. We just love them. We have been making these soaps for many years and thought that you might like them too. They are so gentle on the skin. I even used them on my babies. They are made with such simple ingredients: Olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, raw milk from our own milk cows and pure organic essential oils.A little story about our personal experience with the soap: Last summer we ran out of our handcrafted soap, so had to purchase some from Costco until we could get more made. Well during our time of using the purchased soap I think we went through two or three bottles of hand lotion. With our handmade soap we seldom have to use any lotion. Needless to say, it didn’t take long to prioritize getting more made.Plus, in the cold evenings we worked up a nice selection of crocheted 100% cotton facial scrubbies, soap cozies and washcloths to compliment the soaps. I love using the soap cozies. They keep the soaps from sitting in a puddle of water.We also got our smokehouse up and running. This allows us to make smoked, ready-to-eat sausages. We started with a garlic and kielbasa. As of last week we now have a third, pepperoni sticks. As time allows we will be adding a few more sausages.A couple of years ago I gave making apple cider vinegar a try. It was a total success. I ended up with about fifteen gallons at that time. I am just about finished that so started a new batch brewing this week. So if all goes well in a month we should have another ten gallons.January has found me working on our new online store. I got to take pictures of all of our products, get them edited and put onto the store page. Now I am working on descriptions of each product. I am always amazed at the variety of products we offer. I have never really counted them.By the time you read this the online store will be live. You can check it out here. It is going to be a game changer for us by simplifying and organizing your orders.The addition of the store will allow you to order what you want at your convenience, pay online then simply pop into the Farmers Market on Friday or Saturday to pick it up.So, go ahead and click on the button below to see what the excitement is all about.