Two young people from very different farming backgrounds were married. Larry was raised on a cattle ranch in southern Alberta. Sue coming from a dairy/poultry and orchard background in British Columbia.
Shortly thereafter the animals started to arrive on our little rental farm. First the cows, then the sheep, chickens, pigs, ducks, geese.
After our first child was born we realized that we wanted to make farming a bigger part of our life. So, in 1988 we purchased our own little farm. As time went by more children arrived for a grand total of five wonderful human beings. Then their spouses and finally grandchildren. What a blessing!
As the children grew it became our dream that the farm we had been working so hard to build would become a multi-generational one. And it has. We are blessed to have over half of our children building their own farming enterprises alongside ours.
As a multi-generational farm family we count it a privilege to produce food of exceptional quality for ourselves and our community by raising and producing all natural, non-GMO, grass-fed beef and lamb, pastured pork, free-range eggs, raw sauerkrauts, kombucha and handcrafted milk soaps.
Our farm is located in a peaceful valley of the beautiful Peace River Region of northern Alberta, Canada.
Health crisis after health crisis caused us to look at the foods we had been eating. Through much research and trial and error we discovered that there is a huge difference in the way food is produced. In 1998 we made the switch to eating organically and raising more of our own food through organic practices. Slowly, we are regaining our health. There are still a few lingering food allergies that we have yet to conquer. God is good and is enabling us to cope with them.
We missed some of the foods that we loved and could not eat anymore. Sausages, bacon and grain products are the ones that come readily to mind. Instead of moping about it, we set out to see if we could produce these foods in such a way that we could enjoy them again. By God’s leading we connected with a master sausage maker from Germany who taught us how to make the sausages and bacon without all the nasty ingredients that were making us sick.
It became our mission to create a farm that cared for the needs of our animals in a natural, ethical way, provide not only our family, but the people of our community with access to nutrient-dense, clean food while earning a right livelihood for our family.
In order to accomplish this we practice an eclectic mix of Holistic Management, Regenerative Agriculture and Permaculture Design. These models help us to create a landscape where the soil, animals and people living here will thrive. This naturally extends to you because you have access to these same health-giving foods that our family enjoys and benefits from.
All our animals graze our lush pastures during the growing season. During the cold, snowy Alberta winters their sustenance comes from their species appropriate diets. The cattle and sheep continue to enjoy the freedom to move around on the pastures where they are being fed stockpiled forages in the form of either standing grass or hay bales. The pastured pigs also get to stay outside. Instead of being on pasture though they get to live in the forest in the shelter of the trees. The mature pigs thrive on green-feed bales that they tear apart with great joy to build their “nests” of comfort. The laying hens and ducks are on pasture from April to November, then are moved into a snug coop where they are free to roam around during the winter.
When we first made the switch to farming in sync with nature, we were certified organic through a third party. Over the years it became apparent that this label (as a whole industry) was losing its integrity. For a small family farm the cost was also unrealistic to maintain. By being “certified” we felt like we were limiting access to this food because the cost had to be so much higher.
In 2012 we dropped our “certified organic” status. We believe that when we are in relationship with our customers you make a better certifying body than any third party agency can.
We understand that you want clean healthy food for your family because we do also. We started our farm because that is what we wanted for our family. We intend to keep learning and putting this knowledge into practice.
We understand that if you, our customers are happy with the foods we produce we know our farm is on the right track.
We regularly hear testimonies from our customers who share their own personal stories of healing. We would love to hear yours as well.
Please fell free to reach out to us with any questions you may have or just to get to know us more.
Privileged to serve you,
xoxo The King Family