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June 29, 2021
What are Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables and dairy products. They are the body’s main source of energy.
During the process of cooking, chewing and the prolonged enzymatic action of digestion, starches are broken down into glucose. As this glucose enters our bloodstream it supplies energy wherever it is needed. Glucose is used for all our bodily processes making it essential for life.
Unfortunately, our modern diet which includes a high percentage of refined carbohydrates has short-circuited our body’s natural functions. When we eat fruits and grains in their whole, unrefined state sugars and carbohydrates in these foods are linked together with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein, fat and fiber. In whole form, the sugar and starches in whole foods support life. Through the refining process necessary vitamins and minerals are striped from grains, vegetables and fruits. In this form, they deplete the body of the necessary vitamins, minerals and enzymes needed for proper metabolism.
The most common disease we are encountering in our time is type II diabetes. When we consume whole foods they are converted into the glucose our body needs. When small amounts of carbohydrate rich whole foods are combined with nourishing fats and high quality protein they are digested slowly and enter the bloodstream over several hours.
On the flip side, when we are eating a diet high in refined sugars and starches, they cause a sudden increase in blood sugar levels. This in turn causes the pancreas to flood our bodies with insulin in order to bring the sugar level back to normal. When our body is constantly being bombarded with insulin because of high blood sugar many conditions start to manifest themselves; degenerative disease, allergies, depression, learning disabilities, behavioral problems and obesity to name a few.
Just like most modern families we consumed a diet high in refined carbohydrates. Boxed cereals, pasta, factory made breads, and potato and corn chips graced our table for many years. But then the inevitable started to happen: food allergies and obesity developed. We tried so many things to alleviate these conditions, but nothing worked.
Twenty years ago we were introduced to Nourishing Traditions and the work of Weston A Price. They propose that by soaking whole grains in an acidic medium such as apple cider vinegar or yogurt the phytic acid is neutralized and doesn’t interfere with digestion. When we consume grains that have not been soaked the phytic acid ties up the absorption of iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc, making them unavailable to our body. Thus pre-soaking our whole grains allows our bodies to receive all the nutrients they have to offer.
So I started to soak my whole grains as they recommend and we started to eat more fermented foods. I also experimented with making sourdough breads. Unfortunately for the person in our home with grain allergies it was too late. He will more than likely have to abstain from these foods for the rest of his life. We have tried reintroducing them many times, but to no avail.
As for obesity, I can talk to that first hand. I have struggled with extra weight my whole life. After my fifth child was born I was so sick and tired of looking constantly pregnant and people asking me if I was pregnant again, I started to search for an eating plan that would address my issues. I am very thankful that the Lord lead me to two very special ladies; Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett. I do not personally know these ladies, but have benefited so much from their teaching. They have a way of connecting all the dots in laymen’s terms of what I had been learning.
So six years ago I decided I couldn’t go wrong putting their suggestions into practice. Thus started my “Trim Healthy Mama’ journey.
They teach that all foods are created GOOD. We just have to learn how to combine the three building blocks of a healthy diet. When I was learning about Trim Healthy Mama I hadn’t even heard of the Keto diet. But now I like to call it a gentler modified Keto diet.
Next week I will continue to tell you more about Trim Healthy Mama and how it has worked for me. Until then, blessing to you all. I hope you are all staying safe during this crisis we find ourselves in.
If you are new to Harmonys Way Family Farm we invite you to have a look around our website. If you have any questions please feel free to connect with us. If you are not a subscriber we invite you to join us on this journey called life. With Easter just around the corner when you subscribe you will receive our little recipe booklet The Busy Cooks Guide to Preparing Amazing Lamb absolutely free.
You may know that we recently opened our online-store to serve our customers better. Did you also know that we are now making door-to-door deliveries in Grande Prairie?
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