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Tips For Preparing And Cooking Grass Fed Lamb

 HOW DOES LAMB STACK UP NUTRITIONALLY?It is highly impressive. Just three ounces of lamb contain:• 160 calories• 23.5 grams protein• 6.6 grams fat (2.7 grams monounsaturated)• 2.7 micrograms vitamin B12 • 4.4 milligrams zinc• 4.9 milligrams niacin• 0.4 milligrams riboflavin• 0.4 milligrams vitamin B6• 201 milligrams phosphorus• 9.2 milligrams selenium• 2.1 milligrams iron• 301 milligrams potassium• 0.1 milligrams thiamine• 0.8 milligrams pantothenic acid• 0.1 milligrams copper• 22.1 milligrams magnesium PREPARATION Just like cooking with any type of meat, lamb requires the same careful preparation. It is best to thaw frozen lamb in the refrigerator. It will typically take 24 hours to accomplish this. If you are like me, I typically forget to take meat out the freezer the night before I will be cooking it, you can thaw it in a sink of cold water. Place lamb in a tightly sealed bag then submerge it in the water. Repeat this process every thirty minutes by replacing the water until it is completely thawed. WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO COOK LAMB? It is best to use cooking methods that will keep it moist and tender. Lamb can be very easily overcooked and become dry, so be sure to watch your cooking times. I prefer to use a meat thermometer to get it just right. Typically it is best to prepare different cuts of lamb using different cooking methods: • Shoulder: Best to make Stew• Shank/Breast: Best to Braise• Lamb Chops: Best Roasted or “Quick Broiled”• Rack of Lamb: Best Roasted or “Quick Broiled”• Ground Lamb: Best “Healthy Sauteed”To learn more about cooking lamb that you will be proud to serve to guests get your free booklet “The Busy Cooks Guide to Preparing Amazing Lamb” by clicking below.

Grass Fed Lamb Not Just For Easter (Part II)

Purchasing meat can be a confusing endeavor. There are so many labels out there; organic, all natural, GMO free and pasture raised are some examples. But what do they mean? Here at Harmonys Way Family Farm we have adopted another label that farmer Joel Salatin coined. It is Beyond Organic.